Appreciate the comment, but I am curious about it a bit.
Why do you think that I don't know?
I have been writing about experiences that include synchronicity, premonitions, and being directed for over 20 years. What has been happening to me aligns very closely with what Carl Jung describes in his quote below.
I said, “I do not need to believe in God; I know.” Which does not mean: I do know a certain God (Zeus, Yahweh, Allah, the Trinitarian God, etc. ) but rather: I do know that I am obviously confronted with a factor unknown in itself, which I call ‘God.’
It is an apt name given to all overpowering emotions in my own psychical system subduing my conscious will and usurping control over myself. This is the name by which I designate all things which cross my will path violently and recklessly, all things which upset my subjective views, plans, and intentions and change the course of my life for better or worse. In accordance with tradition I call the power of fate in this positive as well as negative aspect, and inasmuch as its origin is beyond my control, “god,” a “personal god,” since my fate means very much myself, particularly when it approaches me in the form of conscience as a vox Dei, with which I can even converse and argue.
I don't do anything to try to achieve these things. They just happen and that has been working for me.
I have quite a bit of work available for free if you are interested in reading any of it.