I agree with you completely and try to give in other ways I can at different times, but it seems like it's hard to ask anyone for anything right now.
I put up a post a couple of days ago asking people to help one of my daughters, who is trying to start-up a manufacturing business, but it is breaking my heart to see what is happening. Family members are telling me they wouldn't even help their own kids, while I know that's normal in wealthy circles. I said she didn't send out wedding announcements, no one does housewarming gifts anymore, and in the "old days" like you say, entire communities came together to do barn-raisers.
It's really tough for young women in the engineering field. People say, Why are there so few women engineers?? Why are there so few women business leaders? Right now there's a lot of different issues affecting this, but she made this decision because she is so capable, still it's a monumental endeavor.
She's a kind, generous young woman who has been helping other small business owners with her knowledge (as you can see if you watch her video) and I keep hoping some people will step up for her.
If you're interested in finding out more about her, a link is on my most current post.