I enjoyed your post. I hadn't heard the phrasing: Don’t think of things that happen to you as good or bad. They are always a mixture of both.
I am in a little different place on some of your other views. I realize they are yours, and I sincerely appreciate the fact you pose them from the perspective of "I." "I realized..." "I stopped..." A lot of people use "we," as if everyone perceives things in the same way.
But here are a couple of ways my views differ.
I don't think it is always my choice on what meaning I give the events in my life.
Some events are just naturally mundane, like making the bed, or choosing to wear a bathrobe instead of a sweater. Some are more significant, like choosing to eat kale instead of chocolate, or taking reusable bags to the market.
For me, however, many of the significant events I've experienced have not been my choosing. They seem to have chosen me. I experience a lot of synchronicity, as well as premonitions and guidance.
Which leads me to my last comment. I don't believe I'm in charge of my destiny. I just posted a series of essays that I hope will help to explain why, if you are interested: