I had heard about the Power of Now, but thought it was a way to either improve how we function day-to-day or a kind of marketing strategy.
A woman I knew when I lived in a little town north of Seattle gave me A New Earth because she wasn't interested in it, but thought I might be.
It's hard to describe my feelings at the time, but the book has notes everywhere refuting Tolle's claims. But Tolle was famous. Who was I to disagree?
About six months later, in the middle of a "How to Build Your Email List" workshop by a member of the "spiritual community," I felt compelled to go to the library to look for something I couldn't even define. I felt like I would recognize it when I saw it.
I didn't see exactly what I was looking for but picked up six books that looked interesting or I had been curious about. Like The Secret.
I ended up writing a book about what I found, what I came to understand, about the "spiritual" movement at this point in time. Many of the claims seem to conflict. None of them aligned with what I had been experiencing, which took me years to even name, that included profound synchronicity, premonitions, and being directed.
And even though many people feel the study I encountered, that I share at the end, isn't valid, I am not saying the study, in and of itself, is important. Everything I cover, including that study, is about the bigger picture.
I am currently writing a memoir about my journey and consider myself to be an anti-eckharttolletarianist.
It's nice to find someone else who is happily using their mind to parse out his claims.