I have been on that 20-plus-year journey. Blown away by an event in 1998, another in 2002, and a third in 2012 which convinced me I had to write about what I was experiencing.
A couple of years later, I was directed to information that helped me understand why people find themselves on one particular path, then think they need to tell everyone that this particular path is right for everyone. I published a book called Critical Revelations in the Realm of Spirituality. So I don't like, and try to avoid, the term "spiritual" as well.
Shortly after that I re-discovered Carl Jung and found his interview with "The Listener" from 1960. It is an almost exact description of what I have been experiencing:
A short time later, I found I was able to document some of the synchronicity I was experiencing. When I realized I had a number of stories, I created a collection, and I just finished transferring them to Substack last week.
I'm working on a memoir about the three events that caused the shift. It's nice to find another like-minded person!