It has the ability to connect with me verbally, and it has the ability to create events that go beyond what I believed could ever happen in "real life."
One example: I didn't want to attend a writing workshop before the holidays. I came up with reason after reason to not go, and each time there was an argument.
I went. I struggle with the decision about where to sit but went to the left side of the table, even hearing in my mind which chair to choose.
The participants didn't have material to cover the entire 2-hour session, so we read more.
We still had more time. The facilitator asked if we wanted to read poetry she brought. I thought, a couple of times, It's right before the holidays, why is everyone staying?
She tossed the poems on the table and we chose one. The random poems aligned with the stories we shared. One woman didn't bring anything. Her poem was last and essentially said, You sit here in silence, letting someone else's words speak for you.
That's a rough outline of one of many, many events that have happened during a 15 year period. I am close to finishing a memoir about it that revolves around three events that align with some of Blavatsky's observations in Theosophy .
Other events have happened while I've been working on it.
I have a book published called Critical Revelations in the Realm of Contemporary Spirituality on Kindle, and a free short story series on Substack called Synchronicity, Documented. Here is one of the stories: