It's nice to find others who are questioning the claims. Given that statement, however, I'm in a bit of an unusual place.
I believe I was directed to information that helped me understand at least some of the things that are driving these belief systems, and I published a book about it called Critical Revelations in the Realm of Contemporary Spirituality.
I have experienced synchronicity that I've been able to document, as well as premonitions and guidance that have led to astonishing events and I am currently writing a memoir about four focal events, but many others interspersed.
I challenge a neuroscientist's beliefs that science will ultimately be able to understand everything about the mind in an essay called "Spaceship Consciousness: What Drives Us?" (posted on Medium) and the author, John Horgan, said, "Wow, I love your essay, it may be my favorite response to Mind-Body Problems. "
I write from the perspective of "I," about what I have been experiencing, and how it has impacted my life.