I've been experiencing things that appear to align with what you are explaining in a variety of ways for nearly 20 years, but it still is difficult for me to "know" that what you are saying is true.
When someone uses language like "Once we start to see molecules as localized patterns of spin-wave deformations...", I'm like, where is this coming from?
I would love to know more about your sources.
I share a review of a chapter of John Horgan's book, Mind-Body Problems, here on Medium in an essay called "Spaceship Consciousness: What Drives Us?" in which I challenge one of the claims Christof Koch, a neuroscientist who is currently the president and chief scientist of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, makes about what science is going to able to accomplish.
When Horgan read it he said, "Wow, I love your essay, it may be my favorite response to Mind-Body Problems." While I was working on it, I experienced the kind of thing that has been happening to me (it allowed me to show how the process works, sometimes), but other experiences have been much more profound.