Thank you for continuing the conversation. I am not sure how the cake example falls into black and white. My cake is not your cake. Our lives are different in an unfathomable number of ways. I will never be able to describe mine in a way that will allow you to see it fully. But I believe it is important to talk about our cakes, the things that we experience that are difficult and beautiful, because to I think for most people, that’s what makes life worthwhile.
I think my disagreement with the idea that the “world is an illusion” is that to me that is black and white, it doesn’t relay the idea of the paradox. That it is illusory — material is mostly space; time doesn’t really exist — but that we touch, feel, actually age, revel and sorrow, then process and grow from every encounter. Theosophy closely approaches my belief system, but presents quite a few concepts that will always be unknowable in this plane of existence.
I think it is a matter of accepting that while we are fallible, we must set goals beyond just Knowing Ourselves otherwise we would all sit in a vacuum. I think Peck even says if it’s only one person, that may be enough. I accept human frailty, mistakes, because I hope people will accept mine, things like realizing that life has changed in ways I could never have predicted and I can no longer keep my word.
I am not able to reach the place you are with Peck, to think that it should all be flushed because he wasn’t able to achieve perfection in the way he moved through the challenges he faced. You have yet to say what you think was so unforgivable. I don’t think of this book as being something that was “trying to impress, trying to look good,” I see it as important observations of human nature.
You say the only test is utility; Know Thyself is the only option. “Only” is another red flag.
You continue with “isn’t everyone weaving illusions?” Sure some people are, but I don’t think everyone is. Some of us are trying to express our realities and for me it’s the elephant — a kind of beauty I didn’t ever imagine could be possible.
Lying to ourselves. That seems like what you want people to try to avoid. But if Peck has offended you I won’t continue to suggest you try on another lens.
I believe that learning and growing — no matter where it takes us, no matter where we find ourselves — is the most important thing.