This wasn’t true for me. I wasn’t in a place of needing God desperately when God showed up in a way I could have never imagined.
God showed up completely out of the blue in a way I never knew I needed. It pushed me to seek beyond what I believed was true.
I have now for years. And God keeps showing up in the most amazing ways. I have learned that God is much different than I believed. I could never refer to God as “him” now. I now understand God to be the creator of everything. I don’t know what lies beyond, so when I use the term, God, I’m referring to the force I have encountered.
It brings the change, both good and bad, that is needed. It offers support, opportunities that I never imagined could be possible. It works in everyone’s life no matter what they currently believe so they will continue to seek the truth. I wish you the best on your journey.